Personal Vision, Mission, and S.M.A.R.T.

 Personal vision: To be an active professional in international trade and to become a pillar of my community 10 years from now

Personal mission: Work hard and intelligently in aspects of the supply chain to establish myself as a important member of the logistic industry.


My short term plan in the next 2 years is to get a part-time position in the logistic industry (companies such as UPS) so that I can transition into doing a full time co-op program as required by RRC. By doing so I can finish my education at RRC and get a foot in the industry that I want to work in. 

My medium plan in the next 5 years is to network and familiarize myself with the Canadian professional work environment as well as the logistic industry. Specifically, I will learn more about the policies, procedures and regulations surrounding international shipping as well the key players in the industry. 

My long term 10 year-plan is to establish my own import/export business to establish trade between Vietnam and Canada. Specifically, I am interested in importing agricultural produces back and forth from Vietnam to Canada.


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